Sunday, 18 December 2011

Breast Cancer Lump

Breast Cancer Lump

You are in the shower and suddenly you discover a lump, you never noticed before. When this happens, it is natural to panic and jump in the worst case scenario.

The good news is that most new lumps are harmless and resolve the underlying problem is usually easy, but the pieces should be seen by a doctor. "I always tell patients with buds - like most good - not shy to ask.

It takes a few seconds to secure, but a life of regret! "Dr Graham Archard of the Royal College of General Practitioners. So how can you tell if a lump sum is likely to be dangerous?

First, how your body looks and is essential if anything unusual can be quickly detected and controlled.

With the help of Dr Archard, we have five basic rules that every woman should know the concept:

        Painful nodules are less likely to be dangerous because children without pain.
        Soft lumps are less likely to be dangerous, so it is difficult.
        Lumps that move freely, are less likely to be dangerous than those who do not.
        Smooth lumps are less likely to be dangerous because children first.
        Buds that grow rapidly over several days or weeks is expected to be dangerous.

Of course, remember: These are the general guidelines applicable to most but not all cases. The message should be: If you're worried, see your doctor.

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