Mars facts and information about Mars
The cold, thin atmosphere: liquid water at this stage can not exist on the Martian surface more. This means that although the Desert Planet is only half the diameter of the country, they have the same amount of land.
The red planet is home to the highest mountains and deepest, the longest valley in the solar system. Olympus Mons is about 17 miles (27 km) high, about three times higher than Mount Everest, and the Valles Marineris system of troughs - can go as deep as 6 miles (- called the Mariner 9 spacecraft, which was discovered in 1971, 10 km) and runs from the east to the west over 2500 miles (4000 km), about one-fifth trip to Mars, and near the coast of Australia, or the distance from Philadelphia, San Diego.
Mars is the largest volcano in the solar system, including Olympus Mons, about 370 miles (600 km) in diameter, wide enough to cover the entire state of New Mexico. It is a shield volcano, where slopes rise gradually, as the Hawaiian volcanoes, and the result is a volcanic lava flowed for long distances before they are harvested. Mars also has many other volcanic terrain, the small, steep cone covered with vast plains of solidified lava. Some small outbreaks can still occur on the planet.
Scientists believe that the Valles Marineris consists mainly of rifting crust, because it was tense. Some of the deficiencies in the system is up to 60 miles (100 km) wide. You go to a central part of Valles Marineris region of more than 370 miles (600 km) wide. Channels at the end of some great abyss, and the layered deposits before May, which are one of the gorge filled with water.
Many areas of Mars, are flat, low. Lowest in northern plains are the flattest, soft places of the solar system, such as the water flows caused by the surface of Mars. In the northern hemisphere is thinner can usually at a lower level than in the southern hemisphere, which refers to the crust in the north than the south. This difference between the north and south through May, are a very big impact soon after the birth of Mars.
Number of craters on Mars varies greatly depending on where the old surface. Much of the southern hemisphere is a very old, so many craters - (2300 km wide), including the planet's largest, 1400-mile-wide Hellas Planitia - during the northern hemisphere is younger and therefore have less craters. Some volcanoes have small craters, suggesting that recently have been a result of lava covers all of the old craters. Crater is an unusual dirt around it, such as hardened mud avalanches, which may indicate that the impactor hits the ground water or ice.
The polar ice caps
Large deposits which seems fine layer systems consisting of water ice and dust from the pole to latitude 80 ° in both hemispheres. These were probably deposited from the atmosphere for a long time. On a large part of the layered deposits in both hemispheres are the caps of water ice that remains frozen year-round. Other season frost caps are in the winter. This solid carbon dioxide, also known as "dry ice" is known, which is to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and made the deepest winter, the freezing of the extension pole width up to 45 degrees, or half up to the equator.
Mars is much colder than Earth's, mostly in larger distances from the sun. The average temperature is about -80 degrees F (minus 60 degrees C), even though it is minus 195 degrees F (minus 125 degrees C) in winter near the poles vary as much as 70 degrees F (20 ° C) at midday near the equator.
Carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times less dense than the global average, but it is still thick enough time, clouds and wind. Density of the atmosphere varies seasonally when winter forcing of carbon dioxide to freeze the Martian air.
Dust storms on Mars is the largest in the solar system, which can smother the entire red planet for months. One theory of why the dust storms can be so large to begin Martian dust particles absorb sunlight, warming the atmosphere, Mars in their vicinity. The warm air pockets in colder areas, creating winds. Strong winds from the country to raise more dust, which in turn heats the atmosphere, raising more wind, and kick more dust.
Orbital properties of the planet Mars
Axis of Mars, like Earth's inclined, is proportional to This means that, like Earth, is a lot of sunlight in some parts of the planet depends very strongly throughout the year, Mars' seasons are.
Experience, however, Mars' seasons are more extreme than the earth, because of the red planet's elliptical, oval, elongated orbit around the sun as one of the other giant planets. If Mars is tilted on the southern hemisphere closest to the sun against the sun, which is a short, very hot in summer and in the northern hemisphere is a short, cold winters. If Mars in the sun most of the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun to give him a long, mild summers, and in the southern hemisphere experiences long, cold winter.
Composition and structure
Atmospheric composition (by volume)
95.32 per cent carbon dioxide, 2.7 percent nitrogen, 1.6 percent argon, 0.13 percent oxygen, 0.08 per cent carbon monoxide, small amounts of water, nitrogen, neon, oxygen, hydrogen, deuterium, krypton, xenon
Magnetic Fields
Mars does not currently have a global magnetic field, but there are areas of the cortex, at least 10 times more than anything else on the earth measured by magnetic remains of the ancient world's magnetic field.
The chemical composition
Mars is probably the most solid core of iron, nickel, and sulfur to make. Mars in a mantle of snow is probably similar to that of the earth, that it consists mainly of peridot, which consists mainly of silicon, oxygen, iron and magnesium. The shell is probably mainly basaltic volcanic rocks, which are also widespread in crust Earth and Moon together, even though some of the rocky crust, especially in the northern hemisphere, form of andesite, volcanic rock, may not contain more silica than basalt.
The internal structure of
Scientists believe that around 1800, and 2400 km in diameter (3000 and 4000 miles) on average, the core Mars, his coat is about 900-1200 km s (5400-7200 km) wide, and the shell is about 30 miles (50 miles) thick.
Orbit and rotation
The average distance from the Sun
England: 141633260 km
Metric: 227.93664 million km
For comparison: 1524 times greater than Earth's
Perihelion (mostly)
England: 128400000 km
Metric: 206.6 million km
For comparison: 1404 times greater than Earth's
Aphelion (farthest)
England: 154900000 km
Metric: 249.2 million km
For comparison: 1638 times greater than Earth's
(Source:. NASA)
The Moon and Mars
Two months on Mars Phobos and Deimos was the American astronomer Asaph Hall for one week 1877th Hall found a nearly abandoned the attempt to Mars in one month, but his wife Angelina urged him - he found the next night, Deimos, Phobos, and six days later. He named the month after the sons of the Greek war god Ares - Phobos means "fear", while Deimos means "escape".
Both Phobos and Deimos sees carbon-rich rock mixed with ice and covered with dust and loose stones. You walk past the Earth Month, and is irregularly shaped, because they did not have enough gravity to pull more round is missing. Phobos may be the biggest of about 17 miles (27 km) and Deimos are the largest of about 9 miles (15 km).
Both months are craters from meteorite impacts. Phobos surface is also formed in a complex pattern grooves are caused by cracks in a month may be the biggest crater - a hole about 6 miles (10 km) wide, or nearly half width of Phobos. They always show their faces on Mars, such as our moon is not on the earth.
It is still uncertain how Phobos and Deimos, were born. They moons of Mars' gravity caught, or they may be formed began to orbit Mars in the same planet.
Phobos is gradually rotates towards Mars, draws about 6 feet (1.8 meters) closer to the red planet each century. Within 50 million years, Phobos either collides with Mars or break up and form a ring debris around the planet.
Research and Exploration
The first person who saw Mars through a telescope, Galileo, and one hundred years after him have discovered, astronomers of the polar ice caps. In the 19th and 20 Century, scientists believed that the power has long, straight channels seen from Mars, which is a civilization, but the later is often misinterpreted in dark areas, which have seen the show.
The spacecraft began to observe Mars in 1960, the U.S. Mariner 4 in 1964, and 6:07 sailors in 1969. You have found Mars to be harsh world without signs of life or civilization, people have thought, dass In 1971, Mariner 9 circled Mars, mapped about 80 percent of the planet and explore its volcanoes and canyons.
NASA's Viking 1 Lander landed on Mars in 1976, the first successful landing on Mars. This is the first close-ups of the Martian surface, but did not find significant evidence of life.
The next two shops a successful Mars Pathfinder, Mars Lander and Mars Global Surveyor satellite, which was founded in 1996. A small robot board chose the Pathfinder Sojourner - the first wheeled rover to investigate the surface of another planet - we dared to explore the planet's surface rocks.
In 2001, the United States launched the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, which discovered large amounts of water ice below the Martian surface, usually in the first three feet (one meter). It is uncertain whether more water down, then the sensor does not see the water was deeper.
In 2003, the first from Mars to Earth 60,000 years, the two NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity a nickname, which he explored various areas of the surface of Mars started, they found evidence that water flowed on the surface of the planet. In 2008, NASA sent a second mission, the Phoenix to land on the northern plains of Mars and search for water,
Two orbiters - NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and ESA's Mars Express - Mars Odyssey is owned by the country. In 2011, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, find your name Curiosity Rover, Mars rocks are planning for the geological processes that created them, and learn more about the history and present habitability of Mars.
Chance for Life
Mars may once home to life. The assumption that life still exists to this day. Some researchers have even speculated that life on Earth seeded Mars, or that life on Mars have been planted on Earth.
Most of the public the scientific claims made Life on Mars came in 1996. Geologist David McKay of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and his colleagues in the rocks of Mars from the surface of cosmic influences which focuses descended to earth blasted. Called Inside, they discovered the complex organic molecules, minerals, grains of magnetite, which may be formed in some bacterial species, a small structure, which seemed to fossilized microbes. These allegations proved to be controversial, and there is no consensus on whether signs of life.
Mars may be in possession of the sea surface to the past to develop the environment of life. Although the red planet is a cold desert today, the researchers suggest that there may be liquid water underground, which is a potential paradise for every life is still found.
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