Tuesday 3 January 2012

Open and honest discussion is essential to cure erectile dysfunction

Open and honest discussion is essential to cure erectile dysfunction

Men may find frank communication about emotions and feelings quite challenging while women seem to revel in this level of communication. Yet the irony is that such an exchange of views is essential for a relationship to flourish. So, as a man, to make this easier for yourself, plan to have any such discussion when you are free of other business, and you know what you want to say. Stick to your guns, don't be sidetracked, and trust your partner to hear your fears and doubts about your erectile dysfunction without judging you.  Of course, emotional communication on such a sensitive subject is not necessarily easy for a man, and it needs to be conducted in a calm way so that you are not overwhelmed with your feelings. Tell her about the effect of your erectile dysfunction on your feelings, what you would like to do about it, and how you wish her to help you cure your impotence. This might not be the best subject for discussion after you've had an argument, or when you've failed to get an erection during sex.
If you have erectile dysfunction, a woman may often seek to reassure you by saying things like "It's OK, really." But this kind of remark is quite discounting of how you feel, for it obviously does matter to you that you cannot get erect, and no matter how well intentioned, such observations may just add fuel to the fire of your anger and resentment. You obviously should tell her this, so she can understand that erectile dysfunction isn't OK at all. Clearly you need to do this without attacking her, while you also acknowledge her feelings and let her express what she thinks and feels about the fact that you have erectile dysfunction. Keep in mind that what a woman says when she is upset may reflect more of her feelings than her thoughts, and don't over-react to her emotions.http://www.end-erectile-dysfunction-now.com/personality-and-erection-problems.html 

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